ITD reporters spoke with Janzen herself who confirmed that within the last week she has both been told that she looked like a movie star and had been hit on by an older, yet not grotesque gentleman.
"It's true," Janzen said, "There was this guy who hit on me at work. When I was younger I used to think it was really sleazy if an old guy tried to pick up on me. But, you know, even though this guy was most definitely old enough to be my father I was taken aback and flattered that anyone, anywhere would try to hit on me."
Janzen says that the man, a customer at her store, was repeatedly complementary of her and engaged in a conversation that lasted approximately 5-10 minutes.
"I really didn't know we were 'connecting' in that way." Janzen said, "He had mentioned that he was single but I was pretty surprised when at the end of the conversation he said that I should 'tell my husband he was a lucky man'."
Until recently Janzen had never expected to find her mojo again, "I really just thought it was gone and that general frumpiness had pretty much taken over."
While one can wonder if her mojo will continue to build up steam, there is no indication as to the cause of the recent reappearance. There has been no weight loss, no change in wardrobe, no rejuvenating facials at Z's day spa. The only difference in the past week has been the IDT blog.
You be the judge.
Love it!! It's always a little flattering to get hit on! You go mojo!!