Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Day 27 - Rumple

Tonight I hit the hay happy.  But, my brain wouldn't shut down and I thought I had this good idea for this blog post.  It wouldn't leave me alone so I got myself out of bed and headed to the computer.

I wrote for a good long while - and I read it and re-read it quite a few times.  It went from sounding pretty good to sounding like absolute poop.  I will have to read it again tomorrow to see if I can salvage any part as something I would post.

In the meantime I thought I would share with you what my inner voice of self doubt sounds like.  Whenever I know I am sounding whiny, preachy, retarded, or even so sincere that it begins to sound phony, the voice I hear in my own head making fun of myself is Rumple from Shrek.  I can hear him reading this now.

It's sort of tough to operate on a day to day basis with this voice in your head.  I hear a lot of "blah biddy blah" - that's what he thinks of most of what I say.  "Blah biddy blah, my life is so hard.  Blah biddy blah my kids are so amazing.  Blah biddy blah, I'm Leslie and I pretend I can write."

So, there you go.  I guess this isn't really a gratitude post.  Screw it.

Blah biddy blah, goodnight.